Joint Injections

Joint Injections in San Antonio, TX, and Windcrest, TX Joint Injections

Expert Rheumatology and Arthritis Help in Texas

Rheumatology Solutions in San Antonio, TX, and Windcrest, TX, is hosted by Rheumatologists, highly educated and board-certified physician assistants, and highly accredited registered nurses. Expertise is:

  • IV medications
  • Joint injections
  • Nutritional supplements
  • Vitamins
  • Musculoskeletal injections
  • Diagnosing, and treatment of arthritis/rheumatism. 

Our experts explain that there is hope for your painful and sometimes debilitating rheumatoid arthritis and other arthritic conditions through advanced treatment solutions. We work in correlation with your primary care physician and healthcare team of professionals.

Experience and High-Quality Care

The expertise of Rheumatology Solutions in San Antonio, TX, and Windcrest, TX, is joint injections. We work closely with an experienced and high-quality team of physicians' assistants and registered nurses, giving individualized care to each patient and offering a stunning array of services to manage chronic conditions successfully.

We attribute our success to diagnosing, treating, and managing these specific diagnoses by keeping up with the most advanced medical technologies regarding the latest trends in controlling rheumatoid and arthritis conditions and accompanying pain.

What Diagnosis Does Rheumatology Solutions Treat with IV and Injections? (*)

Arriving at a Diagnosis

We diagnose you through a complete medical history, a physical examination, blood tests, and X-rays. Only then can we create an individualized treatment plan that works for you. 
Don't compare your disease, its symptoms, medication effectiveness, and medication side effects with other people. Everyone reacts differently to these things and may realize varying outcomes, including pain control and management.

Treatment in a State-of-Art Medical Facility

Our professional nurses provide the following medications as directed by our esteemed rheumatology doctors. Our available infusions and injections include the following medications. We treat your specific diagnosis with the correct medication. 

  • Actermra
  • Benlysta
  • Cimzia
  • Cosentyx
  • Evenity
  • Krystexxa
  • Inflectra
  • Infliximab
  • Orencia
  • Prolia
  • Reclast
  • Rituxan
  • Saphnelo
  • Simponi-Aria

Seeking Treatment for Painful Arthritis?

Call Rheumatology Solutions in San Antonio, TX, and Windcrest, TX, at (210) 590-9596 today and schedule your appointment for joint injections, arthritis diagnosis and treatment options. 

Pain is never normal and is a response to an underlying condition. It robs you of your quality of life. We can uncover what is causing your pain and treat it accordingly. We help you recover your enjoyment of life once again.

Our mission is to maximize your function for daily living and minimize your pain, which helps increase your quality of life.

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